It has to “ad” up.
One of my least favorite hikes ever… was also my most fun! Barometer Mountain on Kodiak is a beast and it was super rainy the whole time and crazy steep! But… that’s actually not why I didn’t love it. I actually get super anxious every time I climb. The view along the way is my motivation and the Grand Prize is the view from the summit! Below is a picture of the view.
While there are surely worst views… I live in stinkin’ Alaska! I was not a fan of the airport view the entire time! I mean, it was at out backs most of the way up, but I like turning around to beauty! And it was smack dab in front of us the whole way down. I need the right motivation to keep me going! This was a slippery, shale-covered, steep, bear skat sign everywhere kind of a hike. When you add airplane noise…. It’s just not the peaceful Alaska I love.
I tried to think of that this week while working on my classes. I need the right little goals along the way to keep me headed toward my larger goal with peace. This week in my Marketing 250 class, we learned about tailoring our Google Ads using keywords. I have already written that this wouldn’t be my first choice of how to go about getting my webpage out there. It just feels so impersonal! Luckily, this week had us thinking about our customers more. What would they want to see along the way? How can I pick the RIGHT keywords, so that this ad WILL reach the people who enjoy the view they see on the other end?
I have this irrational dislike of ads. Which is funny since I grew up in the 80-90’s so, I am totally accustomed to commercials. Perhaps what I really dislike is the amount of ads I see that have nothing to do with what I want to click on. My goal is to understand my potential customers enough that, hopefully only people who really WANT to see my ad will. I took this class to learn. It’s a required class for me. I don’t want to waste the time I have been given with the push to start a business. I like learning. Hopefully, that helps me better show others what they truly want to see.