Dip the Toes
There are a lot of hikes I never would have done, were it not for friends inviting me. Bear Point to Eklutna is one of those. This hike was a great prep for a girl’s trip to Kodiak a few years ago. I had been busy that week and, not drinking enough water. The top is very shaley. My legs seized up right before the summit and I didn’t bring enough water! I an so grateful for friends who love me enough to still love me while I work through my flaws! And who packed extra water. What a stupid mistake! I know what to bring on a hike! But, it was a great prep hike and a brain jogger for me not to be complacent.
This week our class had us learning how to set up Google Ads. Honestly, were I doing this by myself I don’t think I would have even set up Google Ads. Alaskans like their local shopping and… I don’t quite have that capability yet! I mean, I have been doing shirt design for over 5 years now. I have been drawing and creating longer than that, but it’s not something I have shown on my social media. Google Ads just aren’t how I would have chosen to introduce my products to the world! However, I am going to admit that using online ads does have a slight appeal ad. I can kinda dip my toes in the water before announcing it on my Social Media pages. But also I can learn something totally new and kinda difficult, with someone guiding me!
This whole class has taught me so much more than I thought. It has given me the courage to do things I would probably have waited far longer to start. It has made me think about who I would be serving. It has made me focus on my priorities and hone a bit on what it is I would actually like to see with this brand. We had to make ad groups with keywords that could guide Google Ads to the correct customers. I found it so hard to come up with unique ones that it made me really think about what I was selling and if it was something I think people need. And… I do!
There are a lot of Alaskan Brands out there. I hesitated to create my own. However, designing shirts FEELS like a natural evolution of what I am already doing. It feels right. Will it work out for the long hall? I have no clue. But I am so grateful for a class that is helping me to think it through.